Copper + Honey Coffee

I recently took on a new client, Copper + Honey Coffee and set out to develop a new website for them, My sister, who owns the business, wanted a simple and clean design for the site to match the clean aesthetic of her mobile coffee cart business.
I developed the website using Next.JS as the frontend framework, which provides a number of handy built-in optimizations right out of the box (image optimization, static page generation, etc). The blog post pages are statically generated at build-time, making the blog blazing fast and ideal for SEO.
The low-friction event bookings form asks for just the right amount of detail to invite users to shoot off an inquiry. This form sends a nicely formatted confirmation email to the client, as well as a notification email to an email group within the Copper + Honey domain so the business can follow up with potential customers.
Finally at the bottom of the page is a listing of public events for the business pulled from a public Google Calendar containing the events. Every time an event is added to the google calendar, the event details will show up here automatically without any manual editing needed. This way, potential customers are always given the most up-to-date info on where to find the coffee cart and their amazing coffee.
The site is hosted on Netlify, which provides easy to manage web infrastructure and automatically updates the site when I push code to the main GitHub branch.
Thanks for reading. If you have any questions or have any web development needs, please feel free to reach out to talk about your business' digital needs!